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privacy journey

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What is Calimero?

Calimero Network is a decentralized peer-to-peer protocol for building self-sovereign networks of applications and sharing data in a completely secure and private way. Our purpose is to enable everybody to use our protocol to build networks of applications that do not require the involvement of any intermediaries, such as the established Big Tech Companies. This is important because the end users can finally truly own their data, and choose who they want to trust, rather than being forced to accept various Terms and Conditions that are not in their best interest.

The trap into which users fall is that these big companies often provide their service at no monetary cost, but users pay with their most precious asset - their data. What is worse, users often do not have an alternative. Calimero was built to create a credible and viable alternative to that. The network is designed in such a way that we purposefully made it impossible for us to ever infringe on our users’ privacy. 

Redefining Privacy: Our Core Crusade

Privacy is the bedrock of our digital freedoms. In a realm rife with surveillance, we draw a line. Our mission, powered by zero-knowledge, multiparty computation, homomorphic encryption, and beyond, is to enshrine privacy as a fundamental right, transforming it from a mere concept into an everyday reality for all.

Championing Data Sovereignty

The era of corporations ruling our digital lives is ending. With Calimero, you ascend to sovereignty over your data. We're dismantling the old structures, ensuring that your data—your digital essence—is yours to control, share, and monetize. Envision a digital realm where your data empowers you, not corporate giants.

Defending the Digital Dialogue

In the battle against censorship's dark veil, cast by both states and corporations, Calimero emerges as a fortress of free speech. We're committed to protecting the diversity of voices, ensuring that every perspective is heard and valued. Our pledge is unwavering: to safeguard the flow of ideas, keeping the digital realm a vibrant forum for debate and discovery.